Thank you for visiting this page and joining in our Harvest celebrations.
Sadly, many of our church buildings are closed, but the church continues to be alive and active, working hard to keep in touch with the local communities.
We could not meet together to celebrate in all our church buildings, but we decorated lychgates, porches, gates and filled Great Witley Church with Harvest displays.
Most of those displays have now been taken down, but you can still see them on our virtual trail. It includes questions and clues to find at each location.
Play the video below. Remember to switch to full-screen to see things better (that’s this button on the control bar: ) and you can pause and resume the video in order to look at the pictures carefully.
Many thanks to Jason Fisher for the piano accompaniment.
When you have completed the trail and answered the questions, don’t forget to e-mail your answers to
If you’d like to find out more about our churches, or Harvest, please do get in touch via the contact page. If you’d like to request a prayer, send us a e-mail to prayer.requests@4rivers.churches, or call Rev Ted on 01299 890 100.